spidey senses

spidey senses

Thursday, November 11, 2010

natural Light

Suns shining
This picture is just about as much natural light as you could possibly have. It is a worms eye view photo of a tree with the rays of the sun shining through in all of their glory. It looks like heaven is shining through the sky onto the trees

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Cropping. Throwing Caution to the wind

Cropped out spectors body to show the caution sign. Edited the tone shadows looks pretty cool

Monday, November 8, 2010

lil bit of red in the mix

Phightin Phils

Supporting my favorite team with a solid picture. Edited it to make it look real classy. incredibly meaningful to me because they are my favorite team.


Books Galore

theres nothin more fun then takin a picture of a couple of books, repetition at its finest. looked a little boring at first so i put it in focus and then proceeded to make it look a little better by changing the tone contrast


Dark Hall

each opening has a frame, including the door at the end. quite intriguing. Also, after editing it gives the picture a dark feeling, almost like walking down the hallway would lead to fear and terror